Magdalena Spasowicz – Untitled

unframed size: 41x28 cm
medium: oil and acrylic
date: 2007
The works of numerous remarkable Polish painters are already present in museums in Poland and abroad. In this artistic Polish Pantheon Magdalena Spasowicz occupies a very significant place. The painter comes from the ateliers of professors Kulisiewicz and Cybis. Magdalena Spasowicz has been spending every single moment on painting for many years now. Most of her paintings are monochromatically coloured landscapes, representations of „Little Homelands”, of places where eye cheers soul with a sight close to heart, known and well remembered. French painting of Pissarro and Utrillo has been a very important inspiration for Magdalena Spasowicz. A desire to still-frame every moment when the artist meets Nature and beloved places is an imperative, which obliges to come back to canvas and paint, paint with a total devotion. Magdalena Spasowicz seems to keep still in an honest ecstasy over the every day's world. „Little Homelands” in the paintings are the places appreciated by the painter, who in their simplicity perceives a beauty of its own. The artistry of the places represented in the paintings of Magdalena Spasowicz lies deeper, hides itself in emotions being a part of the paintress. The artist sacrifices her time and attention to them and in a way consecrates them at the same time. When I stand in front of the canvas of Magdalena Spasowicz looking at the landscape of a typical Polish plain, I almost physically experience its turning into a place close to my heart. „Little Homelands” are filled with human feelings and longings, they breathe an unbelievable calmness, just like the mythic Arcadia or the literary Valley of Issa. Their lasting is assured on the canvas of the painter.